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Product Mgmt
Kenn Pfefferkorn
- Co-Founder and CEO of Ecaria GmbH, Berlin (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: Kenn and I build together the first german online e2e renting service and several other solutions from 2015 to 2017.
- Contact:
- ed.airacenull@nrokreffefP.nneK
Durvalino Corrêa Junior
- Partner at the Brazilian Accounting company and Incubator: ValorUp, São Paulo (BRA) UTC -3
- Relation: Junior, CEO Cofounder of a Gryncash and I worked together on an mobile app based loyalty programme. I scoped the MVP and managed the software outsourcing in the initial state.
- Contact: (preferably in portuguese)
- rb.moc.purolavnull@roinuj
Software Engineering Mgmt
Ansgar Hugo
- Freelance software engineer, Munich (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: I worked with Ansgar from 2018 – 2020 on developing the micro service based public finance platform from Capveriant.
- Contact:
- ed.oguh-ragsnanull@tcatnoc
- Phone number on request
- LinkedIN
Dr. Andreas Kraus
- Freelance software engineer, Munich (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: I worked with Andreas from 2019 – 2020 on developing the micro service based public finance platform from Capveriant.
- Contact:
- ed.liamenull@ti-suark
- 0049 152 5378 7122
- LinkedIN
Prof. Dr. Marcus Simon
- Professor Marketing & Communications Management at International School of Management (ISM), Munich (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: I guest lecture the courses webdesign and digital content creation since 2019 as part of Marcus’s 5&6th semester Bachelor Marketing module.
- Contact:
- ed.msinull@nomis.sucram
- (Please mark “call” prior via email)
- LinkedIN
Daniel Khafif
- Author, Journalist and PR strategist; Consultant and Lecturer in Communication Management (ISM), Munich (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: Daniel is my storyteller of choice and resident philosopher. We work together since 2015 on various occasions and are currently creating the online university course “digital content creation” for the ISM together.
- Contact:
- ed.msi.tnezodnull@fifahk.leinad
- 0049 172 6201864
- LinkedIN
Outsourcing / Partner Mgmt
Matthias Seitle
- Co-Founder and CEO of orange networks GmbH, Hamburg, Munich (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: Matthias and I set up and work together since 2017 on the Microsoft Azure / O365, D365 Infrastructure Outsourcing that Capveriant’s public finance solution and the organisation runs on. This was recognized by Microsoft Germany as a reference case for finance solutions in the cloud.
- Contact:
- ed.tenegnaronull@elties.m
- 0049 151 11274455
- LinkedIN
Hans-Martin Winkler
- Entrepreneur, Consultant and Advertising technology expert, Lübeck (GER) UTC+1
- Relation: Hans-Martin and worked together on the MVP for the digital public treasury of Capveriant GmbH in 2017/18 and stay in connected ever since as peers and friends.
- Contact:
- ed.sgniht-llamsnull@hrelkniw